Shift Scheduling
The Driver Schedule Shift Scheduling feature (an optional add-on) is perfect for companies that need to manage a large number of shift workers and would like to bring their employee shift scheduling to the next level.
With Driver Schedule’s shift scheduling software, a company can use a simple upload feature (or manual entry) to set a minimum number of shifts that need to be covered on any particular day. They can also designate different shifts for different vehicle types. The time slot scheduler can be set up to allow drivers to “claim” shifts or a dispatch position can assign drivers to shifts based on their availability.
Employee shift scheduling is the perfect solution for companies that use previous metrics and usage information to forecast future needs and manage their fleet capacity. Our time slot app works in real-time and can even be set up to send out driver notifications when all the shifts aren’t covered.

Shift Bidding
For companies that know what their shift needs are, let Driver Schedule and your employees automatically do the scheduling for you. Our shift bidding feature allows companies to set up a schedule of available shifts and place them “out to bid” to their driver employees. Shifts can be presented to driver groups or individual drivers to support any internal hierarchy including experience, longevity with the company, or even pay rate, and you can even prioritize which drivers get to view open shifts.
You can easily monitor the progress of the schedule and identify any open shifts that need to be covered. The program lets you notify select employees of remaining open shifts or you can override the system to manually enter drivers to cover open shifts.
Driver Schedule is the only software made by transportation and logistics people for the transportation, delivery and logistics industries.
Let us show you how our scheduling software can streamline your operations and save you money.
Signup for a 14-Day Free Trial *No credit card required.Explore the other features Driver Schedule has to offer:
Staff Scheduling
Driver Availability
Time-Off Tracking
Time Clock & Payroll Tracking
Customized Employee Training
Asset Maintenance & Reporting
Appointment Scheduling
Shift Scheduling
GPS Tracking
Mobile Application
Inventory & Delivery Management
Auto-Assign Scheduling
Trip Import Tool
API Integration
SMS Text Messaging